Dr.  Judith Bremer

Dr. Judith Bremer

  • Adenauerring 20b
    76131 Karlsruhe



  • Scientific coordination of the Subtopic Geoenergy within the framework of Helmholtz programme research
  • Implementation of Citizen Science projects
  • Coordination of the BMWK project VESTA
  • Research infrastructures: development of GeoLaB and DeepStor
  • Proposals for third-party funding
  • Committee and public relations work
  • Website development and administration


  • Infrastructure development
  • Citizen Science


  • POF Program MTET, Topic High-Temperature Thermal Storage, Subtopic Geoenergy
  • GeoLaB
  • DeepStor

Profile links


Seit 2013 Academic staff member at the Department Geothermal Energy and Reservoir Technology
2011 Dissertation at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)
2010-2012 Institute for Hydromechanics, Institute für Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, KIT
2007 - 2010 Department for Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)
2006 - 2007 Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ, Leipzig
2006 Geoecology diploma
2004 - 2005 DAAD Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Davis


Enriching a randomized controlled treatment trial for anorexia nervosa by lived experience—Chances and effects of a lived experience council in the SUSTAIN study
SUSTAIN Study Group; Giel, K. E.; Bremer, J.; Rieß-Stumm, S.; Gregg, B.; Fritz, A.; Klemm, I.; Daugelat, M.-C.; Schag, K.
2024. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 57 (6), 1300–1310. doi:10.1002/eat.24050Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
GeoLaB – Geothermal Laboratory in the crystalline Basement: synergies with research for a nuclear waste repository
Kohl, T.; Sass, I.; Kolditz, O.; Schüth, C.; Rühaak, W.; Schamp, J.; Bremer, J.; Rudolph, B.; Schätzler, K.; Schill, E.
2023. Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal : SaND / Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung, 2, 135–136. doi:10.5194/sand-2-135-2023Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
GeoLaB - Das geowissenschaftliche Zukunftsprojekt für Deutschland
Bremer, J.; Kohl, T.; Rudolph, B.; Schill, E.; Zimmermann, G.; Milsch, H.; Rink, K.; Shao, H.; Kolditz, O.; Rühaak, W.; Schüth, C.
2022. Bbr, 73 (12), 66–71
Large-scale storage capacities as the backbone of a renewable energy system
Rudolph, B.; Bremer, J.; Stricker, K. R.; Schill, E.; Koenen, M.; Dinkelmann, D.; Wees, J. D. van; Kohl, T.
2022. European Geothermal Congress (EGC) : Berlin, Germany, 17-21 October 2022 ; proceedings, Bundesverband Geothermie Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
GeoLaB - Geothermal Laboratory in the Crystalline Basement
Kohl, T.; Bremer, J.; Schill, E.; Kolditz, O.; Sass, I.; Zimmermann, G.
2022. European Geothermal Congress 2022 Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Roadmap Tiefe Geothermie für Deutschland : Handlungsempfehlungen für Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft für eine erfolgreiche Wärmewende
Acksel, D.; Amann, F.; Bremer, J.; Bruhn, D.; Budt, M.; Bussmann, G.; Görke, J.-U.; Grün, G.; Hahn, F.; Hanßke, A.; Kohl, T.; Kolditz, O.; Regenspurg, S.; Reinsch, T.; Rink, K.; Sass, I.; Schill, E.; Schneider, C.; Shao, H.; Teza, D.; Thien, L.; Utri, M.; Will, H.
2022. (R. Bracke & E. Huenges, Eds.), Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Energieinfrastrukturen und Geothermie (IEG). doi:10.24406/ieg-n-645792Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
The Potential of Depleted Oil Reservoirs for High-Temperature Storage Systems
Stricker, K.; Grimmer, J. C.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020. Energies, 13 (24), Art.-Nr.: 6510. doi:10.3390/en13246510Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Tiefengeothermie : Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Energiewende
Held, S.; Stricker, K.; Fuchs, S.; Gaucher, E.; Bremer, J.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020. Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, (82), 8–19
GeoLaB – Das geowissenschaftliche Zukunftsprojekt für Deutschland
Schätzler, K.; Bremer, J.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.; Kühn, M.; Kolditz, O.; Sass, I.
2020. Mining report, 156 (6) Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Acceptability of geothermal installations : A geoethical concept for GeoLaB
Meller, C.; Schill, E.; Bremer, J.; Kolditz, O.; Bleicher, A.; Benighaus, C.; Chavot, P.; Gross, M.; Pellizzone, A.; Renn, O.; Schilling, F.; Kohl, T.
2018. Geothermics, 73, 133–145. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.07.008Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Disziplinübergreifende Geothermie-Forschung am KIT
Bremer, J.; Meller-Aichele, C.; Kohl, T.
2017. Geothermische Energie, 86 (1), 20–23
Integrated Research as Key to the Development of a Sustainable Geothermal Energy Technology
Meller, C.; Bremer, J.; Ankit, K.; Baur, S.; Bergfeldt, T.; Blum, P.; Canic, T.; Eiche, E.; Gaucher, E.; Hagenmeyer, V.; Heberling, F.; Held, S.; Herfurth, S.; Isele, J.; Kling, T.; Kuhn, D.; Mayer, D.; Müller, B.; Nestler, B.; Neumann, T.; Nitschke, F.; Nothstein, A.; Nusiaputra, Y.; Orywall, P.; Peters, M.; Sahara, D.; Schäfer, T.; Schill, E.; Schilling, F.; Schröder, E.; Selzer, M.; Stoll, M.; Wiemer, H.-J.; Wolf, S.; Zimmermann, M.; Kohl, T.
2017. Energy technology, 5 (7), 965–1006. doi:10.1002/ente.201600579
Die Weiterentwicklung der Energiewirtschaft in Baden-Württemberg bis 2025 unter Berücksichtigung der Liefer- und Preissicherheit : im Auftrag des Baden-Württembergischen Industrie- und Handelskammertags ; Aktualisierung Januar 2016
Allerding, F.; Beilmann, C.; Breh, W.; Bremer, J.; Fuchs, J.; Gitte, C.; Hess, J.; Hirsch, C.; Kohl, T.; Loskyll, S.; Sauer, J.; Schäfer, S.; Schätzler, K.; Schmeck, H.; Schulenberg, T.; Wollersheim, O.; Ziegahn, K.-F.; Becker, B.; Gottwalt, S.; Schuller, A.
2016. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000057638Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Geothermal energy systems : research perspective for domestic energy provision
Huenges, E.; Kohl, T.; Kolditz, O.; Bremer, J.; Scheck-Wenderoth, M.; Vienken, T.
2013. Environmental earth sciences, 70 (8), 3927–3933. doi:10.1007/s12665-013-2881-2
Post-processing analysis of MODIS leaf area index subsets
Horn, J.; Schulz, K.
2010. Journal of applied remote sensing, 4 (1), 043557/1–25. doi:10.1117/1.3524265

Conference contributions

Engaging schools and local communities through Raspberry Shake seismometers: a citizen science approach around the geothermal research infrastructure DeepStor in Karlsruhe, Germany
Azzola, J.; Bremer, J.; Gaucher, E.; Schätzler, K.; Bauer, F.; Kohl, T.
2023, December 14. AGU Fall Meeting (2023), San Francisco, CA, USA, December 11–15, 2023
GeoLaB – Geothermal Laboratory in the Crystalline Basement
Rudolph, B.; Bremer, J.; Schill, E.; Rink, K.; Kolditz, O.; Sass, I.; Milsch, H.; Zimmermann, G.; Rühaak, W.; Kohl, T.
2023, November 8. European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2023), Utrecht, Netherlands, November 8–9, 2023
GeoLaB - Geothermal Laboratory in the Crystalline Basement
Rudolph, B.; Bremer, J.; Schill, E.; Rink, K.; Kolditz, O.; Schao, H.; Sass, I.; Milsch, H.; Zimmermann, G.; Rühaak, W.; Kohl, T.
2023, March 6. 83. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG 2023), Bremen, Germany, March 5–9, 2023
VESTA - Very-High-Temperature Heat Aquifer Storage
Kohl, T.; Schill, E.; Bremer, J.; Nitschke, F.; Kölbl, T.; Blöcher, G.; Hahn, F.; Klein, S.; Jahrfeld, T.; Meier, P.; El-Alfy, A.; Atkinson, T. A.; McLing, T.; Dobson, P.; Zhang, Y.; Rutquist, J.
2022, October 17. European Geothermal Congress (EGC 2013), Pisa, Italy, June 3–7, 2013
THM modeling of former hydrocarbon reservoirs for high-temperature heat storage
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, December 3. Joint EAGE/BVG/FKPE Workshop Hydro- Thermal- Mechanical Modelling (THM) and Ground Truth (2021), Online, December 3, 2021
Numerische und chemische Modellierung der Speicherstrukturen im tiefen Tertiär / Numerical and chemical modeling of the deep tertiary reservoir structures
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, June 25. GeoTHERM - expo & congress (2021), Offenburg, Germany, June 24–25, 2021
Utilization of Former Hydrocarbon Reservoirs for High-temperature Heat Storage
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholamikorzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, April 21. DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung "Shaping the Energy Transitionwith Upstream and Storage Technologies" (2021), Online, April 21, 2021
The potential of high-temperature storage systems in depleted oil reservoirs in the Upper Rhine Graben
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 16. 1st Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference (GET 2020), Online, November 16–18, 2020
Wärmespeicherung in ehemaligen Kohlenwasserstofflagerstätten des Oberrheingrabens
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 11. Der digital Geothermiekongress (DGK 2020), Essen, Germany, November 9–13, 2020
Potential für Wärmespeicherung in ehemaligen Kohlenwasserstofflagerstätten des Oberrheingrabens
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, October 28. 25. Dresdner Fernwärme-Kolloquium (2020), Online, October 27–28, 2020
Heat storage in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs of the Upper Rhine Graben
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, October 8. 8th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2020), Online, October 7–8, 2020
Experiences from geothermal projects and necessity for a geoscientific underground laboratory
Kohl, T.; Schill, E.; Bremer, J.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015