Machine Learning and Digital Twin to enhance the efficiency of geothermal power plants
More..."Very-High-Temperature Heat Aquifer Storage"
Joint project with EnBW, GFZ, IEG & SWM and Geo-Energie Suisse, INL & LBNL
More...Induced seismicity and ground deformation as interference aspects in geothermal plant operation
more...Heat usage, raw material extraction and drinking water treatment in a geothermal system
More...Innovative seismic monitoring methods in an interdisciplinary joint project for the safe and efficient operation of dams
more...EU project to demonstrate EGS technology and transfer knowledge/technology in Europe.
More...EU project with mexican partners for the evaluation of unconventional geothermal ressources and the development of exploitation concepts in Mexiko.
More...Within the framework of BMBF joint projects, a long-standing and intensive cooperation between KIT and Chilean partners has been established.
More...Systematic investigation of fluid pathways
BMWi projects
Joint project deep geothermal energy - characterization and monitoring
Financed by the state of Baden-Württemberg
Seismic monitoring of the geothermal field Bruchsal
Funded by the Federal Environment Ministry