Large-scale infrastructures

Large-scale infrastructures for frontline geothermal research.
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One focus of our working group and the subtopic "Geoenergy" within the POF research is the development of new infrastructures for broad research activities from basic research to applied research with industry. The focus is always on issues related to the provision of geothermal energy for a sustainable energy system for our society.

The department Geothermal and Reservoir Technology initiated three infrastructures in the last five years:

  • GeoLaB - Research lab geothermal energy
    Helmholtz large-scale infrastructure
    Status: Exploration phase
  • DeepStor - High-temperature underground heat storage
    Helmholtz infrastructure
    Status: Planning/construction phase
  • F4at - DFG large-scale instrument for three-dimensional analysis of fluid-dynamic processes in fractures
    Status: Operation phase