PD Dr. Geologist Jens Carsten Grimmer
- Researcher
- Room: 249
CS 50.40 - Phone: +49 721 608-41888
- jens grimmer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- www.agw.kit.edu/english/256_666.php
- Adenauerring 20b
76133 Karlsruhe
Referenced publications
Developing meshing workflows in Gmsh v4.11 for the geologic uncertainty assessment of high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage
Dashti, A.; Grimmer, J. C.; Geuzaine, C.; Bauer, F.; Kohl, T.
2024. Geoscientific Model Development, 17 (8), 3467–3485. doi:10.5194/gmd-17-3467-2024
Dashti, A.; Grimmer, J. C.; Geuzaine, C.; Bauer, F.; Kohl, T.
2024. Geoscientific Model Development, 17 (8), 3467–3485. doi:10.5194/gmd-17-3467-2024
The Muschelkalk aquifer of the Molasse basin in SW-Germany: implications on the origin and development of highly saline lithium-rich brines in calcareous hydrothermal reservoirs
Stober, I.; Grimmer, J.; Kraml, M.
2023. Geothermal Energy, 11, Article no: 27. doi:10.1186/s40517-023-00270-6
Stober, I.; Grimmer, J.; Kraml, M.
2023. Geothermal Energy, 11, Article no: 27. doi:10.1186/s40517-023-00270-6
Two distinct age groups of melilitites, foidites, and basanites from the southern Central European Volcanic Province reflect lithospheric heterogeneity
Binder, T.; Marks, M. A. W.; Gerdes, A.; Walter, B. F.; Grimmer, J.; Beranoaguirre, A.; Wenzel, T.; Markl, G.
2022. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 112 (3), 881–905. doi:10.1007/s00531-022-02278-y
Binder, T.; Marks, M. A. W.; Gerdes, A.; Walter, B. F.; Grimmer, J.; Beranoaguirre, A.; Wenzel, T.; Markl, G.
2022. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 112 (3), 881–905. doi:10.1007/s00531-022-02278-y
Geochemical Changes Associated with High-Temperature Heat Storage at Intermediate Depth: Thermodynamic Equilibrium Models for the DeepStor Site in the Upper Rhine Graben, Germany
Banks, J.; Poulette, S.; Grimmer, J.; Bauer, F.; Schill, E.
2021. Energies, 14 (19), 6089. doi:10.3390/en14196089
Banks, J.; Poulette, S.; Grimmer, J.; Bauer, F.; Schill, E.
2021. Energies, 14 (19), 6089. doi:10.3390/en14196089
Selective Silica Removal in Geothermal Fluids : Implications for Applications for Geothermal Power Plant Operation and Mineral Extraction
Spitzmüller, L.; Goldberg, V.; Held, S.; Grimmer, J. C.; Winter, D.; Genovese, M.; Koschikowski, J.; Kohl, T.
2021. Geothermics, 95, Art.-Nr. 102141. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2021.102141
Spitzmüller, L.; Goldberg, V.; Held, S.; Grimmer, J. C.; Winter, D.; Genovese, M.; Koschikowski, J.; Kohl, T.
2021. Geothermics, 95, Art.-Nr. 102141. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2021.102141
The Potential of Depleted Oil Reservoirs for High-Temperature Storage Systems
Stricker, K.; Grimmer, J. C.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020. Energies, 13 (24), Art.-Nr.: 6510. doi:10.3390/en13246510
Stricker, K.; Grimmer, J. C.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020. Energies, 13 (24), Art.-Nr.: 6510. doi:10.3390/en13246510
Experimental alteration of granitic rocks: Implications for the evolution of geothermal brines in the Upper Rhine Graben, Germany
Drüppel, K.; Stober, I.; Grimmer, J. C.; Mertz-Kraus, R.
2020. Geothermics, 88, Art.-Nr.: 101903. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101903
Drüppel, K.; Stober, I.; Grimmer, J. C.; Mertz-Kraus, R.
2020. Geothermics, 88, Art.-Nr.: 101903. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101903
Magnetic fabric development in the Lower Seve thrust from the COSC-1 drilling, Swedish Caledonides
Merz, L.; Almqvist, B. S. G.; Grimmer, J. C.; Kontny, A.
2019. Tectonophysics, 751, 212–228. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2018.12.018
Merz, L.; Almqvist, B. S. G.; Grimmer, J. C.; Kontny, A.
2019. Tectonophysics, 751, 212–228. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2018.12.018
Magnetic fabric constraints for syn-magmatic doming of the laccolithic Brocken granite pluton (Harz Mountains, northern Germany)
Zundel, M.; Friedel, C.-H.; Grimmer, J. C.
2019. International journal of earth sciences, 108 (3), 799–816. doi:10.1007/s00531-019-01679-w
Zundel, M.; Friedel, C.-H.; Grimmer, J. C.
2019. International journal of earth sciences, 108 (3), 799–816. doi:10.1007/s00531-019-01679-w
Comparison of different digital elevation models and satellite imagery for lineament analysis: Implications for identification and spatial arrangement of fault zones in crystalline basement rocks of the southern Black Forest (Germany)
Meixner, J.; Grimmer, J. C.; Becker, A.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2018. Journal of structural geology, 108, 256–268. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2017.11.006
Meixner, J.; Grimmer, J. C.; Becker, A.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2018. Journal of structural geology, 108, 256–268. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2017.11.006
The Late Variscan control on the location and asymmetry of the Upper Rhine Graben
Grimmer, J. C.; Ritter, J. R. R.; Eisbacher, G. H.; Fielitz, W.
2017. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 106 (3), 827–853. doi:10.1007/s00531-016-1336-x
Grimmer, J. C.; Ritter, J. R. R.; Eisbacher, G. H.; Fielitz, W.
2017. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 106 (3), 827–853. doi:10.1007/s00531-016-1336-x
Structural control of geothermal reservoirs in extensional tectonic settings: An example from the Upper Rhine Graben
Meixner, J.; Schill, E.; Grimmer, J. C.; Gaucher, E.; Kohl, T.; Klingler, P.
2016. Journal of structural geology, 82, 1–15. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2015.11.003
Meixner, J.; Schill, E.; Grimmer, J. C.; Gaucher, E.; Kohl, T.; Klingler, P.
2016. Journal of structural geology, 82, 1–15. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2015.11.003
Criteria and geological setting for the generic geothermal underground research laboratory, GEOLAB
Schill, E.; Meixner, J.; Meller, C.; Grimm, M.; Grimmer, J. C.; Stober, I.; Kohl, T.
2016. Geothermal Energy, 4 (1), 4:7. doi:10.1186/s40517-016-0049-5
Schill, E.; Meixner, J.; Meller, C.; Grimm, M.; Grimmer, J. C.; Stober, I.; Kohl, T.
2016. Geothermal Energy, 4 (1), 4:7. doi:10.1186/s40517-016-0049-5
Early- to mid-Silurian extrusion wedge tectonics in the central Scandinavian Caledonides
Grimmer, J. C.; Glodny, J.; Drueppel, K.; Greiling, R.; Kontny, A.
2015. Geology, 43 (4), 347–350. doi:10.1130/G36433.1
Grimmer, J. C.; Glodny, J.; Drueppel, K.; Greiling, R.; Kontny, A.
2015. Geology, 43 (4), 347–350. doi:10.1130/G36433.1
Traces of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt in the central Scandinavian Caledonides: U-Pb zircon dating and geochemistry of crystalline basement rocks in the Middle Allochthon
Grimmer, J. C.; Hellström, F. A.; Greiling, R. O.
2015. GFF online, 138 (2), 320–335. doi:10.1080/11035897.2015.1063537
Grimmer, J. C.; Hellström, F. A.; Greiling, R. O.
2015. GFF online, 138 (2), 320–335. doi:10.1080/11035897.2015.1063537
Tracing the Transhimalayan magmatic belt and the Lhasa block towards south by zircon U-Pb, Lu-Hf isotopic and geochemical data: Cretaceous - Cenozoic granitoids in the Tengchong block, Yunnan, China
Xuexiang, Q.; Luhua, Z.; Grimmer, J. C.; Hu, Z.
2014. Journal of Asian earth sciences, (7). doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.07.019
Xuexiang, Q.; Luhua, Z.; Grimmer, J. C.; Hu, Z.
2014. Journal of Asian earth sciences, (7). doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.07.019
Serpentinites and low-K island arc meta-volcanic rocks in the Lower Köli Nappe of the central Scandinavian Caledonides: Late Cambrian - early Ordovician serpentinite mud volcanoes in a forearc basin?
Grimmer, J. C.; Greiling, R. O.
2012. Tectonophysics, 541-543, 19–30. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.03.014
Grimmer, J. C.; Greiling, R. O.
2012. Tectonophysics, 541-543, 19–30. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.03.014
Magnetic fabric development in a highly anisotropic magnetite-bearing ductile shear zone (Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides)
Kontny, A.; Engelmann, R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Greiling, R. O.; Hirt, A.
2012. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101 (3), 671–692. doi:10.1007/s00531-011-0713-8
Kontny, A.; Engelmann, R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Greiling, R. O.; Hirt, A.
2012. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101 (3), 671–692. doi:10.1007/s00531-011-0713-8
The Ammarnäs Complex in the central Scandinavian Caledonides: An allochthonous basin fragment in the foreland of the Sveconorwegian orogen?
Grimmer, J. C.; Greiling, R. O.; Gerdes, A.
2011. Terra Nova, 23 (4), 270–279. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.2011.01009.x
Grimmer, J. C.; Greiling, R. O.; Gerdes, A.
2011. Terra Nova, 23 (4), 270–279. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.2011.01009.x
Köli Nappes in the north-central Swedish Caledonides - new views on stratigraphy and structural evolution
Greiling, R. O.; Grimmer, J. C.
2007. GFF online, 129 (2), 141–153. doi:10.1080/11035890701292141
Greiling, R. O.; Grimmer, J. C.
2007. GFF online, 129 (2), 141–153. doi:10.1080/11035890701292141
Mesoproterozoic dyke swarms in foreland and nappes of the central Scandinavian Caledonides: structure, magnetic fabric, and geochemistry
Greiling, R. O.; Grimmer, J. C.; Wall, H. de; Björk, L.
2007. Geological magazine, 144 (3), 525–546. doi:10.1017/S0016756807003299
Greiling, R. O.; Grimmer, J. C.; Wall, H. de; Björk, L.
2007. Geological magazine, 144 (3), 525–546. doi:10.1017/S0016756807003299
Conference contributions
Thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) modeling of high-temperature heat storage using DeepStor as a case study
Stricker, K.; Egert, R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2022. European Geothermal Congress (EGC) : Berlin, Germany, 17-21 October 2022 : proceedings, Bundesverband Geothermie
Stricker, K.; Egert, R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2022. European Geothermal Congress (EGC) : Berlin, Germany, 17-21 October 2022 : proceedings, Bundesverband Geothermie
Thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) modeling of high-temperature heat storage using DeepStor as a case study
Stricker, K. R.; Egert, R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2022, October 20. European Geothermal Congress (EGC 2022), Berlin, Germany, October 17–21, 2022
Stricker, K. R.; Egert, R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2022, October 20. European Geothermal Congress (EGC 2022), Berlin, Germany, October 17–21, 2022
Structural development and heat storage potentials in the east-central Upper Rhine Graben (SW Germany): Constraints from 3D-seismic and borehole data
Bauer, F.; Grimmer, J. C.; Steiner, U.; Gudelius, D.; Houpt, L.; Hertweck, T.; Schill, E.
2022. EGU General Assembly 2022, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5134
Bauer, F.; Grimmer, J. C.; Steiner, U.; Gudelius, D.; Houpt, L.; Hertweck, T.; Schill, E.
2022. EGU General Assembly 2022, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5134
THM modeling of former hydrocarbon reservoirs for high-temperature heat storage
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, December 3. Joint EAGE/BVG/FKPE Workshop Hydro- Thermal- Mechanical Modelling (THM) and Ground Truth (2021), Online, December 3, 2021
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, December 3. Joint EAGE/BVG/FKPE Workshop Hydro- Thermal- Mechanical Modelling (THM) and Ground Truth (2021), Online, December 3, 2021
Thermisch-Hydraulisch-Mechanische (THM) Modellierung von Hochtemperatur-Wärmespeicherung am Fallbeispiel DeepStor
Stricker, K. R.; Egert, R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Bauer, F.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, December 1. Der Geothermiekongress (DGK 2021), Essen, Germany, November 30–December 2, 2021
Stricker, K. R.; Egert, R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Bauer, F.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, December 1. Der Geothermiekongress (DGK 2021), Essen, Germany, November 30–December 2, 2021
Numerische und chemische Modellierung der Speicherstrukturen im tiefen Tertiär / Numerical and chemical modeling of the deep tertiary reservoir structures
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, June 25. GeoTHERM - expo & congress (2021), Offenburg, Germany, June 24–25, 2021
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, June 25. GeoTHERM - expo & congress (2021), Offenburg, Germany, June 24–25, 2021
Utilization of Former Hydrocarbon Reservoirs for High-temperature Heat Storage
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholamikorzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, April 21. DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung "Shaping the Energy Transitionwith Upstream and Storage Technologies" (2021), Online, April 21, 2021
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholamikorzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2021, April 21. DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung "Shaping the Energy Transitionwith Upstream and Storage Technologies" (2021), Online, April 21, 2021
The potential of high-temperature storage systems in depleted oil reservoirs in the Upper Rhine Graben
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 16. 1st Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference (GET 2020), Online, November 16–18, 2020
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 16. 1st Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference (GET 2020), Online, November 16–18, 2020
Wärmespeicherung in ehemaligen Kohlenwasserstofflagerstätten des Oberrheingrabens
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 11. Der digital Geothermiekongress (DGK 2020), Essen, Germany, November 9–13, 2020
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 11. Der digital Geothermiekongress (DGK 2020), Essen, Germany, November 9–13, 2020
Entwicklung eines elementspezifischen Fällungsprozesses zur Reduktion der Siliziumdioxidkonzentration aus geothermalen Wässern
Spitzmüller, L.; Goldberg, V.; Held, S.; Grimmer, J. C.; Winter, D.; Koschikowski, J.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 11. Der digital Geothermiekongress (DGK 2020), Essen, Germany, November 9–13, 2020
Spitzmüller, L.; Goldberg, V.; Held, S.; Grimmer, J. C.; Winter, D.; Koschikowski, J.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 11. Der digital Geothermiekongress (DGK 2020), Essen, Germany, November 9–13, 2020
Removal of Silica from geothermal water by addition of Ca(OH)2
Spitzmüller, L.; Goldberg, V.; Held, S.; Grimmer, J. C.; Winter, D.; Koschikowski, J.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 5. Student Technical Congress - German Section (STC 2020), Online, November 4–6, 2020
Spitzmüller, L.; Goldberg, V.; Held, S.; Grimmer, J. C.; Winter, D.; Koschikowski, J.; Kohl, T.
2020, November 5. Student Technical Congress - German Section (STC 2020), Online, November 4–6, 2020
Potential für Wärmespeicherung in ehemaligen Kohlenwasserstofflagerstätten des Oberrheingrabens
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, October 28. 25. Dresdner Fernwärme-Kolloquium (2020), Online, October 27–28, 2020
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, October 28. 25. Dresdner Fernwärme-Kolloquium (2020), Online, October 27–28, 2020
Heat storage in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs of the Upper Rhine Graben
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, October 8. 8th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2020), Online, October 7–8, 2020
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Egert, R.; Bremer, J.; Gholami Korzani, M.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, October 8. 8th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2020), Online, October 7–8, 2020
Utilization of abandoned hydrocarbon reservoirs for deep geothermal heat storage
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Meixner, J.; Dashti, A.; Egert, R.; Gholamikorzani, M.; Schaetzler, K.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, May 5. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2020), Online, May 4–8, 2020. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20723
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Meixner, J.; Dashti, A.; Egert, R.; Gholamikorzani, M.; Schaetzler, K.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020, May 5. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2020), Online, May 4–8, 2020. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20723
Utilization of Abandoned Hydrocarbon Reservoirs for Deep Geothermal Heat Storage
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Meixner, J.; Dashti, A.; Egert, R.; Gholamikorzani, M.; Schätzler, K.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020. Upstream oil & gas talks climate and the energy transition : DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, 75–84, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK)
Stricker, K. R.; Grimmer, J.; Meixner, J.; Dashti, A.; Egert, R.; Gholamikorzani, M.; Schätzler, K.; Schill, E.; Kohl, T.
2020. Upstream oil & gas talks climate and the energy transition : DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, 75–84, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK)
Origin of lithium in deep brines of SW-Germany : first results
Grimmer, J. C.; Drüppel, K.; Stober, I.
2016. European Geothermal Congress (EGC 2016), Strasbourg, France, September 19–26, 2016
Grimmer, J. C.; Drüppel, K.; Stober, I.
2016. European Geothermal Congress (EGC 2016), Strasbourg, France, September 19–26, 2016